Miller Angel Behavior Expectations

Miller Middle School believes that clear expectations help students meet the expectations. Miller's Angel Expectations (Respect, Responsibility, Kindness) are the foundation of being a successful student. Please click on the attachment below for a copy of our Angel Expectations and specific expectations of those who come to Miller everyday. 



Common Areas

Recess Area/Outside


Be Respectful
● Use an appropriate noise level
● Treat school and others’ property with respect
● Follow directions
● Listen when others speak
● Use an appropriate noise level
● Treat school and others’ property with respect
● Give personal space
● Leave walking room
● Use an appropriate noise level for the area
● Treat school and others’ property with respect
● Give personal space
● Treat school and others’ property with respect
● Give personal space
● Treat school and others’ property with respect
● Follow directions
● Pay attention to those around you
● Include others
● Treat property with respect
● Keep area clean for others
● Keep bathroom walls graffitti free
Be Responsible
● Be where expected, on me
● Be ready with proper materials
● Engage in learning
● Use laptops solely for learning
● Keep phones/ear buds off and away
● Get to class on me
● Wear hall pass
● Be mindful of learning in classrooms
● Walk at a safe speed
● Use areas for what they are intended
● Take a respectful place in lunch lines
● Keep the area clean
● Pick up after yourself
● Stay within boundaries
● Keep the area clean
● Use sunglasses if desired
● Keep phones/ear buds off and away
● Use bathroom pass
● Wash your hands
● Return to class in a timely fashion
Be Kind
● Use safe hands and body
● Use kind words
● Help others when needed
● Ask others how they are doing, then listen
● Use safe hands and body
● Say ‘Hi’ to others
● Let others pass before you
● Use safe hands and body
●Say ‘Hi’ to others
● Use safe hands, feet and body
● Use kind words
● Invite others into game
● Pick-up litter
● Give others privacy