CHPS 5: Thermal Comfort

CHPS EQ C10.1 Thermal Comfort

Thermal comfort is controlled by six factors: 
  • Air temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Radiant temperature
  • Air movement
  • Occupant activity
  • Clothing
The building envelope and mechanical systems have been designed to help control some of the factors that influence occupant comfort.

Mechanical Systems

The mechanical systems have local controls in each classroom, allowing the occupants the ability to adjust temperatures to meet their needs. The speed at which air is delivered to each space is optimized for the space it serves. For example, air is delivered more slowly to classrooms, where occupants are relatively inactive. The slower air delivery means that the occupants do not feel a draft sensation. Air is delivered a little faster to spaces like a gym, where occupants are more active and where more air is needed.

Building Envelope

The exterior walls, roofs, and floors of the building are also carefully designed with added insulation to minimize the temperature differences felt near the exterior. The exterior construction is meant to prevent the heated inside air (during the winter) from escaping through the system to the outside of the building.