Project Angel Flight: FAQ on Move to New School
What time is drop-off/pick-up on the first day in the new school?
Drop-off is no earlier than 7:45 a.m. Pick-up line up begins at 3 p.m. (2 p.m. on Mondays.)
What is the bell schedule in the new school, including early release Mondays?
- Monday Early Release: 8:15 a.m. to 2:35 p.m.
- Tuesday-Friday: 8:15 a.m. to 3:35 p.m.
What is the drop-off and pick-up procedure for families?
- View the New Miller School Drop-Off/Pick-Up Map
- In the cold season, when the Junction Street incline is snow-packed and icy, please stay at least two car lengths away from the back of buses.
- Families will drive along Junction Street and enter at the new lower (east) driveway. The higher (west) driveway will be closed to families and students as construction work is completed on west side of the campus.
- From the east driveway, follow the road down and stay to the right. Loop around the lower parking lot and drop your child off on the sidewalk area on the west side. Two lanes of parking on the west side will be kept clear for parent drop off and pick up.
- Next, follow the road that goes past the main entrance to the school, but please stay in the left lane. Buses will be dropping off in the right lane closest to the curb.
- Follow the road back uphill and turn onto Junction Street.
- In the 2025/26 school year, a new bus loop will be completed on the west end of campus for drop-off/pick-up.
When can I drop my child off early, and when is breakfast served?
Students should arrive no earlier than 7:45 a.m. They will enter the building and wait in the Commons area until the bell rings. Breakfast will be served from 7:45 to 8:15 a.m.
What is the bus schedule for Miller?
- The DW1 route will drop off at 8:05 a.m.
- The JC route will drop off at 7:45 a.m.
- The AV route will pick up at 3:50 p.m.
Where should students walking or riding bikes enter the campus?
Students on bikes or walking may enter from a dirt trail leading up from West 28th Street on the east side of campus. They should proceed along the temporary fenceline and enter through an opening into the lower (northeast) parking lot. They should lock bikes at the bike rack located along on the fenceline. Then they should walk on the sidewalk a short distance to the main entrance of the school. Remind your student to avoid walking in the parking lot as families drive through to drop off/pick up students.
Where is the front office, and where do I park if I need to go there in the middle of the day?
The front office is located at the new main entrance, a large covered structure that faces east and is adjacent to the bus lane. Please park in the parking lot just past the entrance. Enter the secure vestibule and prepare to check in. Please have your ID ready if you intend to check your child out.
What is the phone number to call the new school?
The front office number is (970) 247-1418.
Will there be lockers for my child?
There are no lockers for students' personal belongings or books. Students should not bring any personal or valuable items to school. There are coat racks in the classrooms. There will be lockers and locks for music and athletic gear.
What is the lunch schedule and where kids eat?
Students will have lunch in the cafeteria. The lunch order form will be discontinued once we get to the new building. For the first couple of weeks in the new building, the menu may be cold options only (salad, sandwiches, pizza on Fridays).
First Lunch |
Second Lunch | |
7th Grade (Monday) |
6th Grade (Monday) |
8th Grade (Monday) |
Outside 11:16 a.m. (11:07) |
Outside 12:14 p.m. (12:02) |
Serve 12:14 p.m. (12:02) |
Serve 11:33 a.m. (11:24) |
Serve 12:31 p.m. (12:19) |
Outside 12:34 p.m. (12:22) |
Release 11:53 a.m. (11:44) |
Release 12:51 p.m. (12:39) |
Release 12:51 p.m. (12:39) |
How will my child be oriented to the new building on the first day?
Staff will review general areas and expectations with students and provide tours on the first day of school. Staff will also give students a general map of the school prior to moving to prepare them for the transition.
Are parents/caregivers allowed to go inside the school and walk around?
We are excited to welcome families to tour the facility at our Miller Grand Opening event, tentatively scheduled for Oct. 25, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. We plan to have a ribbon-cutting, speakers, cake, self-guided tours, and a scavenger hunt with prizes. As we settle into our new facility, there may be earlier dates for tours for Miller families only. We will let families know about these dates as soon as they are available.
Will sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-graders be separated?
Each grade will have their own pod and collaboration area.
Where will children have recess?
Two lanes of parking in the lower parking lot will be blocked off to allow for P.E. and recess until athletic fields have been completed.
When will the sports facilities like the track be available to students?
This area will be the next phase of construction which is set to complete in last spring 2025.
What is still being completed at the new building?
There are a number of items that will be pending as our intention was to get students into the building as soon as safely possible to enhance their learning environment. We know being displaced has not been ideal. That said, the contractor team will be working down a long punch list, some of which is behind the scenes and others which will be noticeable (i.e. touch painting, cabinet/drawers that need to be repaired/aligned, scuffs in flooring, etc). None of the pending items will cause any safety concerns, and most are aesthetic. The teams will work largely during off school hours to complete these items; but some work in certain areas may be done during the school day. This work will be planned and managed to not interrupt the school day.
What parts of the old school will still be used?
The 2004 annex will be the only area that is used from the old building. This is the area directly east of the old gym.
Are there any new expectations for how students should use the facilities in the new school? How will you keep the new building looking clean and nice?
As with all schools, it is expected that students and staff treat the facilities with care and respect. Our facilities and custodial teams work tirelessly to ensure a safe, clean, learning environment. Any added work that is placed on this due to negligence or vandalism only increases their workload and ability to keep up. We are very proud of this new school and hope that the entire Miller community will treat it with the care it deserves so that it may serve students for many years to come.
How will students, families, staff, and community members stay informed throughout Project Angel Flight?
- A new website page called Project Angel Flight will be a one-stop reference for families and community members, offering general updates and FAQ additions.
- Miller and DHS staff and families will receive additional messaging on logistics and reminders as we get closer to the move-in date.
- There will be regular social media updates across the district’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram channels. #MillerAngelFlight
How can I help?
- Stay positive. It’s a great time to practice the Portrait of a Graduate competencies of Empathetic Collaborator and Resilient Risk-Taker.
- Correct misinformation. If you hear incorrect information being shared, refer to official district/school channels for clarity and facts.
- Practice gratitude. Offer thanks. DHS leadership, staff, and students, the City of Durango, Durango Community Recreation Center, and La Plata County Boys and Girls Club are all showing kindness and flexibility in hosting an entire school. It’s a big ask! We are grateful that our schools and community partners are generous with their time and resources.