2024 Summer Bridge makes learning fun and prepares students for next year

Lessons require only 15 minutes a day. There are guidelines for parents along with flash cards and stickers. (Also, parents, please remove the answer key in the back and use this to check students’ work.)
Why is Summer Bridge important?
Summer Bridge is important because it will help you know what skills your child needs to be successful going into the next grade. Students can work on these skills to start the year off right. 
How can my child participate?
Summer Bridge is open to all elementary and middle school students in Durango School District 9-R. The free workbooks include engaging activities and practice in reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and fitness. Lessons require only 15 minutes a day. The books include parent guidelines, flash cards and stickers. Please remove the answer key in the back and use this to check your child's work.
How do I get a workbook?
A Summer Bridge workbook is provided to every student in the final weeks of the 23/24 school year. If you don't receive a book, a limited amount will be available at the District Office front desk, Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., at 281 Sawyer Drive, Suite 100, in Bodo Park. These books and events are made possible through a generous donation from the Durango Education Foundation.
When and where are the checkpoints?
Student checkpoints will confirm completion of Summer Bridge pages. We will not have checkpoints at all schools due to construction happening at several schools this summer. If your child currently attends a school that is not listed you are welcome to select a checkpoint at one of the schools listed below or come to the district office. Checkpoints will be from 2:00 to 6:00pm.
  • June 20 (first 40 pages),
  • July 18 (first 80 pages),
  • August 15, 2024 (first 120 pages)
Checkpoint Locations
  1. Park Elementary School (Fanto Park area)
  2. Needham Elementary School
  3. Fort Lewis Mesa Elementary School library
  4. Sunnyside Elementary School library
  5. Durango School District Administration Office, in a new location at 281 Sawyer Drive, Suite 100, in Bodo Industrial Park; open 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday.
What are the prizes?
Students can receive up to three checkpoint prizes – one for each of the three sections completed. When students show that they have completed a section, they will receive a free pass at each checkpoint to an exciting adventure at venues such as the following:
  • Durango Community Recreation Center
  • Lake Nighthorse
  • Powerhouse Science Center
  • Cream Bean Berry
  • The Gravity Lab
  • Mountain Studies Institute Water Adventure
Please note that the Summer Bridge prizes are available in limited quantities, and students may not be able to choose or swap out prizes. We are grateful to our generous community partners for supporting the Summer Bridge program with these engaging activities.

What happens in the fall?
In addition, when students turn in a completed book during the first week of school, they will be entered into a raffle for exciting prizes such as mountain bikes, video game consoles, skateboards, snowboards, gift cards, headphones and speakers, arts and crafts, and family adventures. If students finish the book early, they receive all three checkpoint passes and they have the opportunity to complete the next grade level book, too, for a challenge and more prizes.
Our Summer Bridge program is important because it will help families know what skills their children need to be successful going into the next grade, and to be able to work on these skills to start the year off right. We are looking forward to seeing you this summer at our checkpoints! 
If you have any questions about Summer Bridge, please call (970) 247-5411.


Se acabaron las clases, pero el Distrito Escolar 9-R de Durango anima a los alumnos a seguir aprendiendo durante el verano, con divertidos eventos como recompensa. El programa Summer Bridge combina libros de actividades gratuitos con puntos de control, eventos y premios para continuar aprendiendo este verano y estar listos para el siguiente nivel de grado. Los libros incluyen actividades atractivas y prácticas de lectura, escritura, matemáticas, ciencias, estudios sociales y gimnasia. Las lecciones sólo requieren 15 minutos al día. Hay directrices para los padres junto con fichas y pegatinas. (Además, los padres, por favor, retire la clave de respuestas en la parte posterior y utilizar esto para comprobar el trabajo de los estudiantes).

Los puntos de control de los alumnos confirmarán que han completado las páginas de Summer Bridge. No tendremos puntos de control en todas las escuelas debido a la construcción que está ocurriendo en varias escuelas este verano. Si su hijo asiste actualmente a una escuela que no está en la lista, le invitamos a seleccionar un punto de control en una de las escuelas que figuran a continuación o venir a la oficina del distrito. Los puntos de control serán de 2:00 a 6:00pm.

  • 20 de junio (primeras 40 páginas)
  • 18 de julio (primeras 80 páginas)
  • 15 de agosto (primeras 120 páginas)
Ubicaciones de los puntos de control
  1. Park Elementary (área de Fanto Park)
  2. Needham Elementary
  3. biblioteca de Fort Lewis Mesa Elementary
  4. biblioteca de Sunnyside Elementary
  5. Oficina de Administración del Distrito Escolar de Durango, en una nueva ubicación en 281 Sawyer Drive, Suite 100, en Bodo Industrial Park; abierta de 8:00 a 16:00 de lunes a jueves.

Cuando los estudiantes demuestren que han completado una sección, recibirán un pase gratuito en cada punto de control para una emocionante aventura en lugares como los siguientes:

  • Centro Recreativo Comunitario de Durango
  • Lago Nighthorse
  • Centro de Ciencias Powerhouse
  • Cream Bean Berry
  • The Gravity Lab
  • Aventura acuática del Instituto de Estudios de Montaña

Además, cuando los alumnos entreguen un libro terminado durante la primera semana de clase, entrarán en un sorteo de emocionantes premios como bicicletas de montaña, consolas de videojuegos, monopatines, tablas de snowboard, tarjetas regalo, auriculares y altavoces, manualidades y aventuras en familia. Si los alumnos terminan el libro antes de tiempo, recibirán los tres pases de control y tendrán la oportunidad de completar también el libro del curso siguiente para conseguir un reto y más premios.

Nuestro programa Puente de Verano es importante porque ayudará a las familias a saber qué habilidades necesitan sus hijos para tener éxito al pasar al siguiente grado, y poder trabajar en estas habilidades para empezar bien el año. ¡Esperamos verles este verano en nuestros puestos de control!